Cosmere - Latest (14)
Use while reading
Wind and Truth
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Arcanum Unbounded ( Includes Edgedancer), Mistborn 1-7 (The Lost Metal), Mistborn: A Secret History, Stormlight Archive 1-4 (Rhythm of War), Emperor's Soul, Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris, Sixth of Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, Tress of The Emerald Sea, Yumi and The Nightmare Painter, The Sunlit Man
Single Fictionary
Single version with no updates. These Fictionaries are created using content from a specific time and set of books (listed below) and are spoiler free for later novels. The only updates would be to correct any errors. You will be notified by email that a corrected version is available.
As you progress through a series you use a different Fictionary.
Fictionary 14
Use while reading
Wind and Truth
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Arcanum Unbounded ( Includes Edgedancer), Mistborn 1-7 (The Lost Metal), Mistborn: A Secret History, Stormlight Archive 1-4 (Rhythm of War), Emperor's Soul, Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris, Sixth of Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell, Tress of The Emerald Sea, Yumi and The Nightmare Painter, The Sunlit Man
Fictionary 13
Coming Soon!
Fictionary 12
Coming Soon!
Fictionary 11
Coming Soon!
Fictionary 10
Coming Soon!
Fictionary 9
Does not exist! At some point my numbering got off by one asnd this is to correct that!
Fictionary 8
Use while reading
Rhythm of War
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Arcanum Unbounded (Includes Edgedancer), Mistborn: A Secret History, Mistborn 1-6 (Bands of Mourning), Stormlight Archive 1-3 (Oathbringer), Emperor’s Soul, Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris, Sixth of Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell.Â
Fictionary 7
Use while reading
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Arcanum Unbounded (Includes Edgedancer), Mistborn: A Secret History, Mistborn 1-6 (Bands of Mourning), Stormlight Archive 1-2 (Words of Radiance), Emperor's Soul, Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris, Sixth of Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell.
Fictionary 6
Use while reading
Arcanum Unbounded (New Content Only)
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Mistborn: A Secret History, Mistborn 1-6 (Bands of Mourning), Stormlight Archive 1-2 (Words of Radiance), Emperor's Soul, Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris, Sixth of Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell.
Fictionary 5
Use while reading
Bands of Mourning
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Stormlight Archive 1-2 (Words of Radiance), Mistborn 1-5 (Shadows of Self), Emperor's Soul, Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris, Sixth of Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell.
Fictionary 4
Use while reading
Shadows of Self
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Stormlight Archive 1-2 (Words of Radiance), Mistborn 1-4 (Alloy of Law), Emperor's Soul, Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris, Sixth of Dusk, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell.
Fictionary 3
Use while reading
Words of Radiance
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Stormlight Archive 1 (Way of Kings), Mistborn 1-4 (Alloy of Law), Emperor's Soul, Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell.
Fictionary 2
Use while reading
Alloy of Law
Words of Radiance (if you haven't read Alloy of Law)
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Stormlight Archive 1 (Way of Kings), Mistborn 1-3 (The Hero of Ages), Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris.
Fictionary 1
Use while reading
Alloy of Law
Words of Radiance (if you haven't read Alloy of Law)
Re-reads of previous novels.
Spoilers for
Stormlight Archive 1 (Way of Kings), Mistborn 1-3 (The Hero of Ages), Warbreaker, Elantris, Hope of Elantris.